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They certainly have a God-given talent for performing and its absolutely amazing to hear them use their gift to lift up His name in praise. Official Anthem Lights Hymns Medley including 'Amazing Grace,' 'Be Thou My Vision,' 'Come Thou Fount,' and more. Selah)4.Easter Medley Because He Lives My Redeemer Lives Arise My Love5.Easter Medley: Because He Lives / My Redeemer Lives / Arise My Love6.Good Good Father7.Hallelujah Medley Hallelujah! What a Savior Hallelujah Angus Dei8.Hymns Medley Amazing Grace Be Thou My Vision Come Thou Fount I Need Thee Every Hour9.Hymns Medley: Amazing Grace / Be Thou My Vision / Come Thou Fount / I Need Thee Every Hour10.I Need Thee Every Hour11.In Christ Alone12.It Is Well With My Soul13.Southern Gospel Medley I’ll Fly Away Swing Low (Sweet Chariot) I Saw the Light14.Southern Gospel Medley: I'll Fly Away / Swing Low (Sweet Chariot) / I Saw the LightAnthem Lights Lyrics provided by The 4 talented men of Anthem Lights always put their heart and soul into every single performance and they truly give their all when they worship the Lord.
Get the embed code Anthem Lights - Hymns Album Lyrics1.Christmas Hymns Medley O, Little Town of Bethlehem Silent Night Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Away in a Manger Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Joy to th2.Christmas Hymns Medley: O, Little Town of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Hark! the Herald Angels Sing / Away in a Manger / Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee / Joy to the World3.Doxology (feat. Southern Gospel Medley: I'll Fly Away / Swing Low (Sweet Chariot) / I Saw the Light Southern Gospel Medley I’ll Fly Away Swing Low (Sweet Chariot) I Saw the Light Merry Christmas This song will be coming to iTunes/Spofity/Apple Music very soon Thanks for watchingSupport Anthem Lights on Patreon. anthem-lights 19834 views T10:07:04 source: Anthem Lights Anthem Lights always gives the glory to God with their worship and praise. They have more than 1.6 million subscribers on their Anthem Lights YouTube account. Hymns Medley: Amazing Grace / Be Thou My Vision / Come Thou Fount / I Need Thee Every Hour Christian rock band whos debut album peaked at 15 on the US Christian charts and hit number 4 of US Heat charts. Hymns Medley Amazing Grace Be Thou My Vision Come Thou Fount I Need Thee Every Hour Hallelujah Medley Hallelujah! What a Savior Hallelujah Angus Dei

Christmas Hymns Medley O, Little Town of Bethlehem Silent Night Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Away in a Manger Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Joy to thĬhristmas Hymns Medley: O, Little Town of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Hark! the Herald Angels Sing / Away in a Manger / Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee / Joy to the WorldĮaster Medley Because He Lives My Redeemer Lives Arise My LoveĮaster Medley: Because He Lives / My Redeemer Lives / Arise My Love This Easter, we put together a medley of our favorite songs about the resurrection Happy Easter 'He is not here he has risen, just as he.